24 Dec 2012 - What a finish to an interesting year..
I would like to make just a small post here before Christmas and New years to say a very big warm thank you to all who have supported me over the last few years and especially this last year. It has been a year with quite a lot of disappointments but this time I have something which I haven’t had before.. and that is my first international title. Incredible feeling to have winning at home and this is a feeling I will work incredibly hard to get more and more in 2013.
I would like to thank my Mum, dad and brother (not in any special order levans) for all the support you have given me. Every time I have called or text with bad news or good news your always there for me. I would like to thank Silver Hatch Sports, Irish sports council, Irish institute sport, Irish Olympic council, Badminton Ireland, Jim Hegarty, Off-Pist, Carlton, ROS nutrition, Body Byrne for all your support. Without everyone helping out and ordering coursework, I wouldn’t be able to do what I love.
Last and certainly not least, all of you who text, ring, email, facebook, tweet and whatever else you can do online to send messages of support when matches or tournaments don’t go well and when matches tournaments do go well... it makes my journey even more special to be able to share it as much as I can with you. One of the things that stuck in my mind a lot after winning Irish Open was my Facebook status. Finally writing that status to all of you that maybe you and certainly me have waited quite some time for.. couldn’t wait to get that done and I was unbelievably happy with all the likes and comments. Makes the title even more special.
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year. I hope 2013 will be a great year for all of us. Stay healthy and be happy.
Irish Ambassador

Sporting Overview
- Current World Ranking - 23
- Current European Circuit Ranking - 44
- Irish Open - Winner
- Irish National Badminton Champs -Winner
- Bitburger Grand Prix Gold - Quarter Final
- Dutch Open Grand Prix - Quarter Final
- White Nights Russia - Quarter Final
- Portugal Open - Semi Final
- Czech Open 2010 - Final
- Qualified for Circuit Finals 2010
- European Champs 2010 - Quarter Final
- Velo Dutch Open 2010 - Runner-up
- Romanian Open 2010 - Runner-up
- Scottish Open 2009 - Semi Final
- Norwegian Open 2009 - Quarter Final
- Czech Open 2009 - Semi Final